

Forgiveness can be a touchy subject. So instead of painting broad strokes with how everyone else needs to be forgiving, I'll just take a moment to mention my attitude toward it. I did not grow up in a very forgiving home. Sure, I was always expected to forgive the person who came and sat on my bed at the end of the day and asked for forgiveness, but as a general rule, I was taught early, and well, how to hold a grudge. Past wounds lingered, festered, and always left a bitter taste. I grew up and became a source of one of those grudges. Some days I handle it well and other days I just miss what could have been. As each day passes I become more aware that my only job in this situation is to forgive. Not just one time, but all the time. Every time I think about what has been lost, I need to forgive. Forgiving has become a habit, but it hasn't become my habit in every situation. That is where I have much room to grow. With the people who taught me how to hold a grudge, I have...
By the time I was about 5 years old, people began to guess my age as younger than I actually was. This frequently drove me crazy, particularly during my teens and twenties. During my teenage years it drove me nuts because people would treat me like a kid. During my twenties it drove me batty because no one would take me seriously unless they managed to take a little time to talk to me. Always, always, I would be told, “You are gonna love looking younger some day!” Well, now is that someday! This year I turned 40, and no joke, just last week I was mistaken for being twenty, not just once, but twice in the same day! Not such a bad feeling anymore. But it took time to get here. And just like it took time for me to appreciate the fact that I look younger than my revolutions around the sun actually add up to, it also took time and living with my eyes wide open to the world around me for me to begin to understand where I fit in this world, and how we all fit together. This world is a bette...